
Unleashing the potential of ICT requires investments

The economic and social benefits of ICT are clear. However, this impact could be significantly increased if the penetration of ICT, including mobile phones, broadband, and PCs, was expanded. Figure 5 shows the coverage of these technologies in the different regions of the world. Developed countries have room to continue to expand their current penetration […]

Unleashing the potential of ICT requires investments Read More »

Fostering the Economic and Social Benefits of ICT

The ICT industry—including telecommunications operators, computer and software producers, electronic equipment manufacturers—is playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. It created approximately 5 percent of total GDP growth between 2003 and 2008, and it represented 5.4 percent of world’s GDP in 2008.That share is expected to reach 8.7 percent by 2020.1 Because of

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Using IoT technologies to bring better health care to remote and underserved areas

We define health applications here as those uses of IoT technology whose primary purpose is to improve health and wellness. This does not include all health-related applications, such as Internet-connected devices used in hospitals or other medical facilities, which we cover in the analysis of factory settings. The devices used in human health fall into

Using IoT technologies to bring better health care to remote and underserved areas Read More »