
Determining the settings where the Internet of Things will create impact

In reviewing nearly 300 IoT applications, we discovered that using only a conventional approach to categorizing the potential impact by vertical industry markets—such as automotive or consumer electronics—made it more difficult to analyze all the ways in which value could be created. If we look at how IoT technology is creating value from the perspective

Determining the settings where the Internet of Things will create impact Read More »

The Evolving Science of Managing for Sustainability: Using ICT to Optimize Environmental and Economic Outcomes

For households, businesses, and public-sector organizations of all types, the implications of managing energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and social responsibility are significant. First, there is the moral and regulatory imperative to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. Second, there are dramatic cost savings to be gained by reducing resource consumption and waste. And third, there

The Evolving Science of Managing for Sustainability: Using ICT to Optimize Environmental and Economic Outcomes Read More »