How To Create An Engaging Website?

A website is an anthology of web pages and related material published on at least one web server and given a shared domain name. The World Wide Web is the collective name for all publicly accessible websites. A company’s internal website for its employees is an example of a private website that can only be accessed via a private network. According to the best website builder Australia, following are the steps to create an engaging website –

  1. Start by designing your homepage with a straightforward layout while developing an exciting website.
  2. The layout of many websites on the internet is the same on every page. Although consistency is good, you should consider upgrading the designs for your navigational folders if you want to give your website a new and exciting feel.
  3. Don’t be intimidated by space. Some people have the propensity to become paralysed by the notion that every blank space on the paper requires something because it draws readers in and directs their attention from one item to the next; white space functions as an engaging element on a website.
  4. Colour psychology exists. People have specific thoughts or feelings when they view certain colours. Most fast-food businesses use red and yellow in their branding because of this. People may become hungry when they see those hues.

For your website, try to stick to a colour scheme of no more than two colours, with the third serving as an accent colour.

An excellent place to start when selecting a colour palette is with your logo.

  1. Fonts should reflect the purpose and aesthetic of your website and business. Because it is easy to read, the san-serif typeface is frequently used on websites for regular material.

The minimum font size for websites’ body text should be 16 points, especially for mobile devices.

  1. Design your website in such a way that it is mobile-friendly. Per recent research, people spend almost three-fourths of their internet time on mobile.
  2. Create an easily navigable design. Ensure each page on your website is accessible from the main menu.
  3. You must place your contact details on top or right at the bottom of your website’s homepage so that people can reach out to you when they want.
  4. Make provisions for your visitors to easily share the contents of your website on other social media platforms.
  5. Communicate with your customers one-on-one by making provisions for live chatting.
  6. The content on your website should be readable and simple to understand. Make small chunks of your content, and make it more interesting by adding bullet or number lists.
  7. Linking the contents of your website to other pertinent sites makes your website more crawlable.
  8. Include various images and videos to make your website more attractive and processable.
  9. Running tests will help you to look into the glitches and rectify them.


A shareable and interesting website attracts visitors. If you know how to design an exciting website, you can retain visitors on your site longer and encourage them to explore, engage, and buy from you more frequently.