A Guide to PaaS – Platform as a Service

What’s PaaS?

Platform as a service provides a flexible, cost-effective, and complete cloud platform for creating, operating and managing applications. In this complete guide, I’ll explain what PaaS is and provide you with additional information about the platform as a service.

Platform as a service is a cloud computing product that provides users with a complete cloud platform that includes infrastructure, software and hardware. The platform provides room for creating, operating and managing applications without incurring the high costs that other techniques offer.

Platform as a service hosts provide everything, ranging from storage, networks, servers and database to development tools and operating system software. Generally, customers pay a specified amount of money to offer a certain amount of resources to a given number of users.

Users can also pay-as-they-go for the services and resources they use. It doesn’t matter your payment option; you’ll be able to create, test, operate, update and scale your applications affordably and more quickly than you could if you were to build from scratch and manage your platform.

Each top-rated cloud computing service provider has its unique PaaS offering. Also, there are various PaaS solutions available to users as open-source projects.

How PaaS Works

PaaS providers offer the service as a hosted cloud infrastructure. Customers usually access the platform as a service offering through web browsers. Providers can provide the service via hybrid, private or public clouds.

The public cloud platform allows users to control software deployment while, on the other hand, the cloud provider provides all primary information technology components necessary for operating applications. These information technology components include databases, operating systems, networks and servers.

Regarding private cloud offerings, platform as a service is delivered as a device behind a user’s firewall or software. On the other hand, a hybrid platform as a service provides a blend of two cloud service types. Instead of replacing the entire information technology infrastructure of an organisation, PaaS offers important services like Java development and hosting.

Additional platform-as-a-service offerings include the design, creation, testing and distribution of an application. PaaS services also include development team collaboration, web service integration and database integration.

Platform as a service also includes popularly used resources like programming languages, development tools, containers, libraries, and database management systems, among other tools. The service providers own, operate and maintain all these technologies and features.

PaaS, IaaS and SaaS

Platform as a service is one of the three main cloud computing service categories. The other two include software as a service (SaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).


With PaaS, providers offer more application stacks than in other categories. They also add OSes and middleware like databases and extra runtimes into their cloud computing environments.


IaaS providers offer basic storage, computing and networking infrastructure. With IaaS, users need to create virtual instances like containers and VMs and install support applications, OSes and data. They also need to handle the management and configuration associated with all the virtual instances.


SaaS allows the provider to offer the whole application stack. Developers just need to create accounts, log in, and utilise the application that operates on the infrastructure of the provider.

All SaaS applications are accessible through web browsers. Providers manage all underlying information technology resources and application workloads.

Benefits of PaaS

When you compare PaaS to on-premises, you’ll discover that it provides the following benefits:

Overall Lower Costs

PaaS allows organisations to side-step capital equipment expenses linked to building and scaling application platforms. By doing that, they significantly reduce costs.

Also, platform as a service can eliminate or reduce costs associated with licensing. By handling updates, and other administrative processes, platform as a service can also minimise application management costs.

Cost-Effective Scalability

Scaling is always expensive in terms of owning on-premises platforms. Sometimes, it can be inadequate or wasteful. With an on-premise platform, you need to buy extra networking, computing and storage capacities with traffic spikes in mind.

A significant amount of this capacity sits unused during low traffic, and also it can’t be increased to accommodate any unexpected surges. PaaS allows you to buy extra capacity and use it as instantly as you want.

Faster Time to Market

Platform as a service doesn’t require you to buy and install the software or hardware you use to design, create, operate and maintain your application. You only need to tap into the PaaS cloud computing service of the provider to start developing in no time.

Reduced Coding Time

PaaS features development tools that can help you reduce coding time. These tools allow users to code new applications faster thanks to pre-coded components available, including search, security directory, and workflow features.

PaaS Implementation Best Practices

Various practices that https://www.hyland.com also endorses can lead to top-notch results, which include:

  • Define clear business goals
  • Create a roadmap
  • Work out a friendly budget
  • Operate a pilot project
  • Orchestrate backups
  • Ensure platform security
  • Leverage the professionals
  • Address compliance requirements
  • Test the platform as a service solution

If you want your business to operate in a highly agile and fast-paced environment, PaaS should be your next option.