What to Look For in a Modern HR Platform

It’s clear that technology has become omnipresent in nearly every industry, even those that first resisted its advances. The same is true for human resources as well. In fact, it’s almost a given that any forward-thinking business is using some sort of HR software to manage the employees. Sorting out what data to focus on and which recruitment metrics to track doesn’t have to be a hassle.

As a result, there are many HR software companies out there competing to get your attention. Unfortunately, this means that it’s not always easy to find the right solution for your company. By all means, you want to make sure that you make a good investment and select the best software possible.

But what should you look for when purchasing HR software? We’ve compiled a list of the most important criteria to consider in order to make sure you get the best solution:

1. Adaptability

You want to pick a system that’s flexible enough to be able to adapt as your company grows and changes over time. A good HR platform should also allow for customization in order to fit your company’s unique needs.

When you choose an agile HR platform that adapts to your organization, it becomes easier to sustain your company’s growth. Luckily enough, companies like GroveHR offer complete HR solutions that make it possible for youhoose an agile HR platform that adapts to your organization to achieve such goals and even more.

2. Effective Time & Attendance Management

Time and attendance management is a critical function of any HR software solution. Without proper tracking, employees may fail to get the right compensation for hours worked. With a modern HR platform, it’s much easier to ensure that employees are clocking in and out only for the time they actually work.

3. Centralized Data

Many companies have a wide range of different sources for HR information, which can lead to redundancies and lack of accuracy. For a modern HR platform, all the functions should reside in one central location. This way, you can be sure that all the information is updated and accurate.

4. Easy and Effective Recruitment

The goal of a modern HR platform is to make it easy for organizations to select and recruit the best applicants. After all, there’s no point in investments in training and development if you can’t find the right people for your organization.

A modernized recruitment workflow should include features like sourcing, social recruiting, automated candidate pipelines, candidate portals, and more.

5. Easy Onboarding

A modern HR platform should incorporate all the tools needed for a smooth onboarding process that begins when an employee starts working and ends only after he or she has fully adapted to the company’s culture. A modernized workflow should include features like E-signature integration, pre-onboarding checklists, and more.

6. Easy Performance Management

A modern HR platform is designed to make performance management more flexible and dynamic. The objective should be continuous feedback that reflects actual on-the-job performance.

Modernized HR performance management software should include features like project-based reviews, peer reviews, built-in review templates, and others that complement performance management.

Modernized HR systems should also be able to support any type of compensation structure and provide accurate reporting on salary, bonus and commission calculations in order to give managers the ability to easily monitor and adjust compensation.

7. Engagement Measurement

It’s becoming more and more important for companies to measure engagement levels in order to ensure that employees are fulfilled. Employee happiness is correlated with increased productivity, lower turnover, high morale, better teamwork and many other positive effects on an organization’s performance.

A modern HR platform should include features like polls & pulse surveys, company social feeds, instant messages, and others that help build engagement levels.

Modern HR systems should also provide accurate measurements on employee sentiment about management, compensation and other important aspects of the business that can affect their happiness over time. That way, managers can take action before employee morale spins out of control.

8. Facilitation of Performance Enablement

In many cases, HR professionals are dependent on their managers to take the actions necessary for supporting employee performance. In a modernized system, you can provide employees with the tools that they need such as reviews, training materials, and others that they need in order to improve their performance.

9. Integration Capabilities

Many companies have different systems that handle various aspects of the company’s operations. Being able to integrate your HR software with other systems is critical to ensuring a better overall experience while maximizing the value gained from such a solution.

10. Accessibility Wherever You Are

Many companies have employees that work remotely, which means they need access to company information from any device or location. A modern HR platform should have mobile apps, websites, and other tools, as well as features like remote onboarding that make it easier for employees to work without limitations of time or place.

It should integrate with standard time-tracking tools as well as geolocation features that allow managers to have a more accurate picture of what the staff is doing at any given moment.

In Conclusion

The above are some of the most important features that you should consider when choosing an HR platform for your business.

It’s important to take into account what you want to achieve with your HR system before looking at the options available on the market. That way, you can be sure that you are making the most of your investment.