Save, Manage and protect your password

Most of the time, we’re taught that the passwords we use to access our online accounts should be strong and unique. Special priority is given to banking, online shopping, and other high-profile accounts as they are most sensitive.

The problem is that most of us have a bunch of online accounts, making it difficult to generate unique passwords for each of them.

A password manager like Passwarden by KeepSolid comes in handy in these situations. So that you don’t have to worry about forgetting your passwords, a password manager can safely store all of them. As a result, you can create secure passwords for all of your critical accounts.

Why not use your browser instead?

As a user of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, you have the option to save a password. This feature is included into the majority of modern Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. 

Browser-based password managers are preferable to using the same password all over the place, but there are some limitations to utilising them.

You should use a password manager because it allows you to focus on one task at a time. As a result of competing priorities, browsers haven’t had much time to develop their built-in password manager. In terms of passwords, most of them will just generate “123456” for you and leave you there. For this reason, specialist password managers have been constantly updating their capabilities.

How are passwords encrypted in password managers?

Data is encrypted and decrypted using military-grade 256-bit AES encryption, which is only accessible to authorized parties. In 2005, it was embraced by the NSA and big organizations, and it quickly became a standard for Virtual Private Networks, firewalls, and password management software..

AES uses a 256-bit key to encrypt data. Random zeroes and ones make up encryption keys. This means that there are 2256 possible possibilities. As the number of possible combinations grows, finding the correct one becomes increasingly difficult.

This algorithm, known as symmetric or private key encryption, is known as AES 256-bit. Because the key is needed to both encrypt and decode data, it must be known by both parties. Asymmetric or public-key encryption, on the other hand, encrypts using a public key and decrypts using a private key. Thus, the private key doesn’t have to leave your device, boosting security.

Why use Password manager?

Password generator.

Password managers will let you generate a secure password of different complexity. This not only saves you time, but it also results in better passwords. Every changed password will automatically be saved. 

It streamlines the procedure. 

Store your passwords in a password manager because it’s one of the safest ways to do so. You can manage all of your logins from a single program if you use a reputable password manager like Passwarden. Invaluable for individuals who use a variety of sites and services. pjk

There will be no more keyboarding. 

Auto-filling passwords and other frequently used information is a standard feature in most password managers. It includes your credit card number and billing and shipping addresses. It spares you from having to remember all of your passwords one by one.

Sharing a password in a secure manner 

Many people are disseminating their login information around their social networks. There are no restrictions on the number of times a user can use the same password on Amazon. 

However, pasting it into the chat isn’t the ideal method of sharing it. That’s exactly what you’re doing when you do anything like that. A secure way to share passwords is provided by the Passwarden by KeepSolid built-in encryption.

If you are confused about changing your amazon password safely have a look at our how to change amazon password safely?

Support for multiple platforms.

Password managers are simple to use and don’t take up a lot of space on your computer. So, they may be developed for a wider range of platforms, such as web browsers or smartphone apps, with greater ease. If you’re a user, this means you can access the same password vault regardless of how you connect to the Internet.