5 SEO Mistakes E-Commerce Sites Need to Avoid

Running a business setup is similar to climbing a mountain. Sometimes you’re up and other times you go through obstacles that affect your business. Like a mountain climber, you must have the right determination, expertise, and tools to reach the top. That’s why it’s crucial to prepare for success by avoiding the common mistakes that other businessmen commit along their e-Commerce journey.

From failing to consider user experience to picking the wrong eCommerce platform, in this post, you’ll find out the SEO mistakes that you should avoid when selling online. If you’re looking for a B2B SEO or SEO for eCommerce, read through here to find out the most innovative and recent SEO trends in the market.

#1 Picking the wrong eCommerce platform

Whether you’re just a beginner in the eCommerce business or have been operating an online store for a while, the choice of your eCommerce platform can either make or break your business. Not only does the platform determine how you’re going to showcase your products and sell to customers, but it’ll also play a significant role in how to entice users to your platform, and how you’ll scale your business with time.

#2 Failing to define and understand your target audience

You have a business plan, a website, and products to sell to customers – what else could you require? Unfortunately, just having an offer and a platform to pitch it aren’t enough to become successful in eCommerce.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in e-commerce SEO is failing to define your target audience clearly and taking some time to learn what makes them tick. When you define your target audience and understand it, it can help you develop an experience that relates to them as well as a brand message that lures them to buy from you time and again.

#3 Failing to use a scalable web design

Choosing the appropriate platform is the foundation for the success of your business. That includes using a web design that is designed for future growth. Even if you’re still in the early stages of your business, do not underestimate your business and think small.

If you have the vision to expand into new markets, offer a wider range of products, integrate complex features, then your website should be tailored to accommodate this.

Ensure you check your options with the e-commerce platform web developer and representative to make sure that the design of your website can progress as your business expands. If you fail to do so, you could encounter time-consuming and costly challenges in the future.

#4 Poor user experience and complex navigation

Ideally, an e-commerce site needs to be a collaboration between design and functionality. Not only does it have to look appealing, but it has to convert your website users into buyers. If your website’s navigation uses ambiguous terms, if your SEO marketing content is hard to find, or if particular features aren’t properly working, then users will become frustrated and leave you for someone else.

Instead, make sure that you discuss with your UX professional to optimize your site for an enjoyable user experience with smooth navigation for your customers. This will help the website visitors obtain the information they need which translates into more sales for your business.

#5 Having a complex checkout process

Once your web visitors have made it through the first stages of your sales funnel, then it’s time to close that deal. Regrettably, this is the time when many e-commerce enterprises see abandoned carts. This can happen due to various reasons, but the main one is because the checkout process is just confusing.

If your clients are left to struggle with the check-out process, there is a high likelihood that they’ll get frustrated and give up before they ever make a purchase.


With the current digital marketing trends, reasonable diligence and individual texts are the main drivers to run a successful online shop. Carefully think about your operating processes and bear these five points in mind. Ensure you invest your time and energy in optimizing every product and soon, your hard work will pay off.