How to Play Ludo Online?

The Indian board game Ludo can have anywhere from two to four players. Each player turns, rolling dice to see who can finish the game quickly. The childhood game that almost everyone had experienced. Even though they never won anything, they still found the game entertaining and exciting. 

For the simple reason that, as grownups, our primary motivation when participating in such activities is to win a monetary wager and subsequently pocket the winnings. There is little complexity to this game’s rules, but they put the players in a position where they are more likely to lose. In these articles, you will get information on how to Play Ludo Online.

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The Rules of Ludo are as Follows

  • The Ludo board is a square with corners colored red, yellow, green, and blue. Each player chooses a color and receives four tokens in that hue to use during play.
  • Ludo is played on a square board that is shaped like a cross. It has 18 slots, with the arms arranged in three rows of six.
  • Each player has a home column in the five colored squares that make up the middle columns. Every player has their own unique colored starting square right here.
  • Then, at the top of each player’s home column, a giant square of alternating colors represents that player’s home column in the giant square board. Additionally, they feature directional arrows that point readers toward the outcome.

Playing Ludo: The Basics

  • Only two, three, or four people can play Ludo at a time without help from onlookers or bystanders. Each player’s four tokens are placed face down in the starting square before the game begins.
  • The four players’ starting squares are in the opposite corners of their respective playing fields. Everyone will take turns going clockwise down the track as they race around the board. A player’s column does not always match up with the corresponding channel. Each competitor races against the others to be the first to their designated finish square.
  • When one player’s token reaches the square beneath their home column, that player is responsible for rearranging the other players’ tokens until they are all in the final court—a pair of dice control every player’s movement.
  • Those still in the game can keep betting to see if any open positions are the second, third, or fourth ones. If you want to have fun and come out on top in a game of Ludo, you must pay close attention and adhere to the game’s rules.

A Guide to Playing Ludo

  • At the outset, everyone throws a die to know who will give it a try first. The remaining players pick whether to play second, third, or fourth. Before a player can advance their token to the first square, they must roll a die and amass six points.
  • A player may leave home with one less token if they roll a six on their turn. This occurs every time a player throws a die. Unless there are no other occupants, the sixth number can be substituted for any others.
  • Players will move their tokens up or down depending on their roll’s value. If a player has one or more tickets outside their starting area, they may advance their chosen token along the squares by the value shown on the die they are holding.
  • If you roll a six and play a token that moves to another player’s home, you can either capture the token, which prevents that player from winning the game, or compelling them to return the receipt to their home.
  • You can prevent someone from winning the game by capturing their token. On a player’s turn, “a block” is considered to have been built if two tokens land in the same space. 
  • When this symbol appears, a player who lands on that square will be captured or sent back to their starting square, as the case may be.
  • Players can’t be attacked while on their home squares. To advance, however, you must roll a die until a six appears, at which point the game will restart.
  • Players who place all four of their tokens inside the triangles have won the game. They can keep playing while you figure out the next move. With the squares and rules in place, the game takes on a new level of excitement.