Exploring Screen Time Usage Trends and Impacts in 2023

Screens have become an essential part of our lives in this digital age. We spend a considerable amount of time on smartphones, laptops and other electronic devices. According to a recent study by Data Reportal, people aged 16 to 64 across the globe spend an average of 6 hours and 37 minutes on various devices daily, engaging in activities such as watching movies, scrolling news, and playing favorite games in casinos with free chip bonus. Let’s explore the screen time statistics of 2023, global trends, the impact of prolonged screen time, and strategies to maintain a healthy balance.

Global Screen Time Trends

The daily screen time on mobile devices has exceeded that of desktop computers, with an average of 3 hours and 46 minutes spent on mobile devices and 2 hours and 51 minutes spent on desktop computers. Over the last ten years, daily screen time has increased by 18 minutes, with people spending 44% of their waking hours on screens. This trend has been consistently increasing since 2013.

Between 2022 and 2023, the amount of time people spent on screens changed differently in different countries. The Netherlands had the highest increase, with an additional 16 minutes, while the Philippines had the biggest decrease, with 73 minutes less screen time. In the United States, children aged 11 to 14 had the highest average screen time of 9 hours per day, which is a concerning amount.

Country-Specific Screen Time Habits

According to a recent study, South Africans spend the most time in front of screens compared to other countries in the world. On average, they spend 9 hours and 27 minutes per day on screen time. Brazil follows closely behind with 9 hours and 15 minutes, while Japan has the lowest screen time with less than 4 hours daily. Desktop usage is the highest in South Africa, with 4 hours and 25 minutes, while mobile screen time is dominated by the Philippines at 5 hours and 31 minutes.

The Risks of High Screen Time

Excessive screen time can lead to sleep disruption, eye strain, obesity, mental health problems, and decreased academic/work performance.

According to a study conducted by the University of Queensland, children should not spend more than 2 hours per day on screens as it can lead to both mental and physical health problems. However, despite the risks, many parents allow their children to spend more time on screens.

To manage screen time effectively, it is recommended to set limits, prioritize offline activities, create tech-free zones, and use the Pomodoro Technique. Screen time tracking apps, such as Apple’s Screen Time, can provide insights and reminders to help manage screen time. Establishing a screen-free bedtime routine can also improve sleep quality.

How Much Screen Time Is Too Much?

According to experts, children should not spend more than 2 hours per day on screens as it may lead to mental and physical health problems. However, setting a specific limit for adults is difficult, and it is recommended to approach screen time with balance and mindfulness.


Screens can be great tools for connection, education, and entertainment, but excessive use can pose risks, especially for children. It’s important to manage screen time thoughtfully in order to maintain a healthy and balanced digital lifestyle. As we continue to navigate the changing landscape of screen time in 2023, finding the right balance between technology and well-being remains a crucial goal.