Why Does a Poker Game Often Attract More Men Than Women?

Female poker players are in the minority, especially when it comes to playing in tournaments. Why is it that traditional tournaments are dominated by males? There is nothing feminine or masculine about the game itself so external factors must play a part. Here are some reasons why poker attracts more men than women:

Traditional gender norms

Historically, poker was a man’s game. In the early days, women who sat down to play a game of poker went against the expectations of society and gender norms. Similarly, handful of women have managed to push through and have successful careers. These women ignored gender norms and didn’t allow them to stand in the way of pursuing their goals.

Today gender norms are different, and the introduction of online casino games has brought about a change in gender balance. Currently, about a third of online poker players are female. Their gender and level of experience don’t matter when playing online. The fact that they can download an online casino app and play poker from a mobile device is liberating. It means they don’t have to feel intimidated by the physical presence of males. They can choose from a selection of challenging poker variations to play online.


Professional women poker players still face a battle if they want to make a name for themselves. They are very visible when playing poker in land-based casinos because they are still in the minority.

The only factor of importance, if they want to become professional online poker players, is how well they play. The absence of face-to-face interaction with males can allow them to play without distractions. Having a great poker strategy is more important than what they wear or how they look.

Stereotypical theories

There are a few stereotypical theories about why fewer women play poker than men. Some believe it is because men still tend to earn more than women and have more disposable income. Others believe it is because women play a dominant role in caring for children and household duties and have less free time.

Another theory is that men are more competitive than women by nature. They are also likely to be bigger risk-takers. There are several trailblazing women playing poker who have made a name for themselves because they aren’t afraid of making bold moves and taking calculated risks.

Women are gambling more online

One of the several benefits of poker is that it teaches people how to think ahead and be strategic. Women players can use the fact that they are underestimated to take men by surprise and make some winning moves.

Studies show that women now make up about 30% to 40% of iGaming participants. This is higher than the number of women gambling at land-based casinos. It is becoming obvious that there isn’t a lack of female talent when it comes to online gaming. Perhaps in the future, more women will participate in big-money online events.