What is mute head? Some experiences when playing lottery that not everyone tells you

Mute or mute tail lots usually offer the highest chance of winning. The effective secret to predicting lot numbers is based on these factors. Analyze terms such as silent beginning and silent ending, with Trang Chủ Hi88 memorizing lot numbers according to silent beginning and ending.

What are some definitions of the “dumb head” lot? and “What is a mute tail?”

Headless lottery and tailless lottery are popular terms in the lottery player community in Vietnam. To explain simply, the first silent lot is when in the lottery results of a certain day there is no leading number appearing in the tens, then that number is called the first silent lot. A mute tail lottery is when in a day’s lottery results no unit number appears, then that unit line is called a mute tail.

Headless lottery and tailless lottery are popular terms in the lottery player community in Vietnam

To determine what is a mute top lot and what is a mute tail lot, you can refer to the lottery table. All lottery results will be updated there, from which you can collect a lot of useful information. Once you understand mute heads and mute tails, you can apply your experience to play mute lotto effectively.

Catching and playing the lottery according to the mute head and the mute tail is an effective strategy in playing lottery.

Many people already know the concept of what a dumb head is and what a dumb tail is, but don’t know how to choose numbers to play based on them. To help you overcome that worry, below are some effective methods of catching dumb lotteries and how to play lotteries based on dumb beginning and silent tail.

To help you overcome that worry, below are some methods for catching dumb lotteries and how to play lotteries based on mute heads and mute tails effectively.

How to predict mute numbers and bet on mute numbers

Below are some ways to play lotteries using mute heads and mute tails that beginners can refer to:
See : Thể Thao Hi88

How to check lottery results effectively

Leading silent numbers are numbers that do not appear in the tens place over a long period of time. The probability of each number arriving at the silent end is not the same. Below are some ways to play lottery using the dumb head that beginners can refer to:

  • Dumb head 0: 04, 06, 09
  • Dumb head 1: 10, 12, 17
  • Dumb Head 2: 21, 25, 29
  • Dumb head 3: 30, 36, 39
  • Dumb head 4: 40, 44, 45, 49
  • Dumb Head 5: 54, 56, 59
  • Dumb head 6: 61, 64, 69
  • Dumb Head 7: 70, 71, 75
  • Dumb Head 8: 80, 82, 89
  • Dumb Head 9: 90, 92, 98

How to check lottery results effectively

The way to predict and play the lottery with the tail mute lotteries is similar to the first mute lotteries. Silent numbers are numbers that have not appeared in the units place recently. Here are some notes for beginners participating in playing lottery:

  • Silent tail 0: 00, 20, 80
  • Dumb tail 1: 21, 41, 81
  • Dumb tail 2: 22, 52, 82
  • Dumb tail 3: 43, 73, 83
  • Dumb tail 4: 64, 84, 14
  • Dumb tail 5: 55, 85, 95
  • Dumb tail 6: 06, 16, 56
  • Dumb Tail 7: 17, 47, 67
  • Dumb tail 8: 08, 18, 88
  • Dumb tail 9: 29, 39, 59, 99

The above numbers are only suggestions and are for reference only. If you have your own calculation method or feel, apply it. If you feel stuck or need more ideas, look for different sources of information and tips.

 If you have your own calculation method or feel, apply it

Experience in playing lottery with mute heads and mute tails that not everyone tells you

Below are some experiences in playing Northern silent lottery that you can refer to to improve your playing skills:

Perform number matching

When there are 3 silent numbers, you can combine the last two numbers of the upper row with the last two numbers of the lower row to create pairs of lots. For example:

  • Dumb end: 1, 3, 6. Pair: 20 with 00, 24 with 04, 57 with 37. You can use these pairs of numbers to play other numbers.
  • If you have 2 dumb ends, you can combine them to create new pairs of numbers. For example: On the dumb end 3 and 6, you can have pairs of numbers like 33, 66, 36, 63, 30, 60.
  • If there is only 1 mute end, you can pair it with row 0 or with itself. For example: The only dumb end is 6, you can combine it into 60, 66.

Play back and predict

If the special result comes out 00, 40 or 80, you can predict that the next day it may come out 37, 77.

If the special results are 36 and 77, you can consider playing 38 and 78 or conversely 83 and 87.

If the result comes out 09, 49, 89, you can consider playing 33, 73 or 37.

If the result is 10, 50, 90, you can consider playing 18, 58, 98.

If the result comes out 08, 48, 88, you can consider playing 20, 60 or 02, 06.

If the special result comes out 03, 43, 83, you can consider playing 32, 72 or 27, 23.

If the result is 01, 41, 81, you can consider playing 05, 50, 85.

The above suggestions of Hi88 are for reference only. Always remember that playing lottery is a game of chance, so play wisely and considerately.

When there are 3 silent numbers, you can combine the last two numbers of the upper row with the last two numbers of the lower row to create pairs of lots.

To master the mute lottery and be able to play the mute lottery is not difficult. New players can start from the smallest things. If you have not found special and useful numbers for yourself, please refer to the numbers above from Hi88 for more information. However, note that these numbers are general in nature only and can be consulted for more information.