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Movie piracy is a serious issue in India. Websites like 4Movie rules WS have been banned by the government numerous times due to their alleged promotion of piracy. It is illegal to access such websites and it is not recommended to download movies from them. Luckily, there are alternatives to 4Movie rules WS that have been able to attract a wide audience and are safe to use.

The main reason why the web site was blocked by Google is because it violated United States law. However, there are countless other movie uploading websites that allow users to share their favorite movies without any legal consequences. So, if you want to download a movie legally, don’t waste your time on illegal sites. M4movie rules ws is a legit alternative to xmovies8 and is free to use.

There are many websites that claim to offer movies for free, but they are illegal. The reason that these websites are so dangerous is because they don’t follow United States law. They rely on a third party to distribute the films they distribute. If you are a US citizen and want to watch a movie for free, don’t bother using 4Movie ws – it is illegal to host these files on a free web site.