The Indonesian Pharmacist Association (PAFI) is a professional organization that brings together pharmacists in Indonesia. This organization plays an important role in the development of the pharmacy profession and improving the quality of health services in Indonesia. This article will discuss the history of the formation of PAFI, including the background, important events, and figures who played a role in the formation of this organization.
Background to the Formation of PAFI
In the early 20th century, the pharmacy profession in Indonesia did not yet have an official forum that coordinated and regulated the activities of pharmacists. At that time, pharmacists worked individually or were tied to certain pharmacies without clear standards. This condition caused differences in the quality of pharmaceutical services in various places.
In order to improve this situation, pharmacists felt the need to form an organization that could unite and direct the pharmacy profession in a more professional direction. This idea began to emerge in 1946, when Indonesia had just become independent and various sectors of national life were in the process of being organized.
Important Events in the Formation of PAFI
The formation of the Indonesian Pharmacist Association began with a meeting of a number of pharmacists who had the same vision and mission in advancing the pharmacy profession in Indonesia. The first meeting was held in Jakarta on September 13, 1946. In the meeting, various important issues related to the pharmaceutical profession and the urgent need for a professional organization that could serve as a forum for pharmacists were discussed.
On September 18, 1946, a follow-up meeting was held and resulted in a decision to establish the Indonesian Pharmacist Association. At that time, a temporary organizational structure was formed and the first management was appointed, consisting of several prominent pharmaceutical figures. PAFI was officially established on that date, with the main objective of improving the competence and professionalism of pharmacists in Indonesia.
Figures Who Played a Role in the Formation of PAFI
Several important figures who played a role in the formation of PAFI include Dr. Abdul Muis, a pharmacist who was active in various professional organization activities. In addition, there were also Dr. Soedibjo Sastroatmodjo and Dr. Samsuridjal Djauzi, both of whom were influential pharmacists and had a strong vision to advance the pharmaceutical profession in Indonesia.
The contributions of these figures were very important in formulating the vision, mission, and goals of PAFI. They also play an active role in compiling PAFI Articles of Association and Bylaws (AD/ART) which form the basis for the organization operations.
With these goals, continues to be committed to being a force that advances the profession of pharmacy and health services in Indonesia. Through good collaboration between members, the government, and other related parties, PAFI plays a role in creating an environment that supports the development and sustainability of the pharmacy profession in the future.